
Discussion and governance in the Shell community


Web3 Governance

The Shell community uses Web3 platforms for governance.


Commonwealth is a crypto-native discussion forum built on IPFS and Alchemy. It is the official forum for the Shell DAO.



Snapshot is an off-chain, gasless voting platform used by the Shell DAO. It has also been used for Toucan votes and CRAB votes.

Shell's Toucan community is one of the largest and most active Arbitrum communities on Snapshot.


Social Platforms

The Shell community uses web2 social platforms for discussion.


Shell's Discord is the main hub for the community and the fastest way to reach the core team. It is a hotbed of lively discussions on everything from the protocol to toucan NFTs, as well as DeFi at large. For builders, it's a great place to let the community know what you're working on.



Discord roles serve many functions. When you have a question, always check whether the person answering you has a trustworthy role. Different roles let you show off the flair you might have earned while in the Shell community, and some will even give you access to secret Discord channels.

  • Quartermasters (QMs): Shell's community moderators. They help safeguard the community against spam, scams, and negative conduct. QMs keep the whole server not only safe but kind and supportive, too.

  • Skindivers: Members of the development team working on Shell Protocol.

  • Primordials: Original LPs in Shell v1. (This role is now closed.)

  • Toucan [Role]: Holders of the Government Toucan NFT. Levels are as follows. (This role is now closed.)

    • Toucan Wrangler - Owns 1 Toucan

    • Toucan Hustler - Owns 3 Toucans

    • Toucan Magnate - Owns 10 Toucans

    • Toucan King - Owns 30 Toucans

    • Toucan God - Owns 100 Toucans

  • Collector: Holders of limited edition Art of Shell NFTs.

  • Seekers: A mysterious role for seekers of hidden fortune.


Sometimes the Cowri Labs team hosts special community events, such as a Shell art competition, DeFi trivia, or in-person meetups. Occasionally there are prizes or other fun incentives to participate. Events are open to everyone in the Discord.


The Cowri Labs team hosts regular community calls on YouTube called the Mindmeld Live. It's a chance for the team to share updates, anecdotes, and to answer questions from the community. Calls are usually every two weeks but the schedule varies, so make sure you're tuned into the Discord Announcements channel to get notified of the next one.



Not a fan of Discord? There's also an official Shell Protocol telegram channel. Note that it is 100% community-run without moderation from the Cowri Labs team.



Follow the Shell Protocol Twitter account for announcements, Spaces, giveaways, witticisms, and the occasional back-and-forth with other DeFi protocols.

In case of emergency, there is also a backup Shell Protocol Twitter account. Always cross-reference in case you suspect a security breach.


Last updated